Saturday, April 19, 2008

el mail...

Yo sé que estoy loca y, pese a que muchas veces sigo pensando que pelear y volverme salvaje de rabia por razones totalmente sin importancia van a llevar mi relación a un punto duradero... es raro poderse encontrar con alguien que esta dispuesto a aguantar ese pequeño detalle en mí que estoy tratando de mejorar. Es muy difícil y cabe la posibilidad de que me dejen botada en cualquier momento.
Pero cuando me llegan este tipo de mails tengo que reconocer que se calman las lavas de mi ser, dentro muy dentro, y me vuelvo totalmente estupida y vulnerable.

Me cago de miedo!!!

RE: ...‏
Enviado: martes, 08 de abril de 2008 02:57:31 p.m.
Para: Karen

Karen, Just read this! I really did not mean to hurt your feelings in any way at the bar the other night. I had no intentions of flirting with any other girls. Sure I was dancing but so were you. I didn't even know you had left until after I texted you. Anyways, I just think it would be a bad decision for you to leave because of me. I was just starting to really like you and I think we could have a lot of good times together in the future. When you left the other night I was angry because I felt like you just wanted me to chase after you and I also felt like I didn't do anything wrong. I never talked to anybody or flirted with anybody. I am sorry for the shitty things I said to you but you also said some pretty shitty things to me. If you want to leave for other reasons I understand and there isn't anything I can do about that. But don't leave because of me. I miss you and there is something I wanted to give you. If you give us another chance I know things will be great! Let me know what you decide to do. Feel free to call me whenever you want to. I'm not better off without you Karen!

Monday, April 14, 2008


Odio a todo el mundo en este momento, no puedo creer que un puto malentendido me ha arruinado por completo.

I'm never gonna be happy.... definately this thing called LOVE is gonna make me cry, again and again...