Saturday, July 26, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
There are those that open you up to something new and exotic,
those that are old and familiar,
those that bring up lots of questions,
those that bring you somewhere unexpected,
those that bring you far from where you started,
and those that bring you back...
But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself and if you find soemone to love the YOU you love...
well, thats just fabulous!!!!!
no puedo creer que el Wata esta igualito, hablamos como si los años hubieran pasado, nos acordamos de Sex and The City, nos acordamos de las noches de carrete, nos acordamos que nos amamos, nos acordamos que nos echamos de menos, nos acordamos que nos importamos y lo más importante es que nos acordamos que ser crueles y frios el uno con el otro nos ha mantenido cerca todos estos años.

... you??
If you like how I write, then sweet...
If things happened one night out of the blue and you realize how amazing you feel with this person, then sweet...
You're gonna realize how sweet things are by being perceptive, appreciating the good things in life, the every day little things,
whatever that is naturally beautiful.
You satisfy me, that's sweet...
It's so sweet...
I'm living lots of things, I'm learning, I'm listening, I'm feeling.
I'm growing, growing is something beautiful, growing is sweet...
I feel the cool breeze blowing in my face when I'm riding my bike,
I feel fresh, that's sweet...
Everything is so sweet to me when I want to embrace it,
those peculiar unexpected circumstances.
Now I think there are many sweet situations,
those situations with a very sweet inner side.
That's why I lisen to you, even when you say I don't understand you.
I pay attention, I observe, I think through...
and that's sweet!!
noseasloco: PAJA
Lo BUENO... weno, weno!! :D
Amigos de ayer y hoy...
Vail Vail Vail Vail!!!!!!!!
Estoy feliz...
Bueno escribo algo decente creo que después de miles de meses con sus respectivos días, tratando de crear, tratando de poder postear algo interesante que no sea hablar de Landon, que no sea hablar de como me bajonea cuando peleamos, de como hecho de menos a su asquerosa perra Bonnie, nose.
Hoy estuve todo el dia en el SPA, es bueno hacerte socia del SPA cuico donde todas las viejas millonarias que vienen a visitar sus manciones pasan sus días llenandose de ice tea y haciendo citas para masajearse. Yo pago barato porque trabajo en el resort, ahhh sí porque lo que es SHOOOO... no tengo 125 cocos todos los meses para invertirlos en un gym, no way! Con las justas me animé a pagar la wea' de GOLD GYM en Lima y esto, porque el chino me había dejado y no tenía nada mejor en que gastar la plata que me mandaban del barco cuando me rompi el brazo.
Pero en fin, digo que es bueno porque es un placer estar en gym, luego te vas a tus clasesitas de kick-boxing, darte tu vueltita por la piscina, broncearte un resto, luego meterte a la hot tub con sus sales hidratantes y de ahí un saunita para sacarte la mugre de los codos. Un día regio!
Me conseguí una bicicleta, que realmente la histori de como la "consegui" es harto laga y agotadora asi que me la guardo, pero la cosa es que tengo una bici, y rico puh! Así como cuando vivía en Antofa me iba pa' too' lao' con la bici, mi Daysi, que por estos días se la pasa encerrada en una caja en el zótano de mis papas, oxidándose supongo, junto a la caja que contiene mis carteras llena de moho. Carajo y acá ando con 5 carteritas miserables luchando para combinarlas con mis outfits.
Mande un mail hace poco contando que ando enamorá y que el amor y que nosé que mas weas', eso no mas poh, puras weas! Ahora ya no estoy con Landon, pero estoy bien. No le he dado filo digamos pero lo espero, y si sucede, ya pes' que vaos' a hacer? I fell out of love!
Nota Mental: empezar terapia y tratar de luchar contra mi "hypomaniac sindrome", capaz algo de litio, lo que diga el Dr. Peip.
Luego contaba en este mail, que trabajaba regando flores y que no me gustaba, que andaba misia, pero que tenía que pretender ser feliz, bueno... NO MAS!!!!!! Qué pasó Kinky? cuenta! cuenta!
Resulta que un día estaba yo en mi odiosa chamba de jardinera, la cual soporte con gallardía y paciencia por dos largos y mutiladores meses, simple y llanamente porque así es como funcionan las cosas acá. Si quieres que tu sponsor (el resort para el que me vine a trabajar) te renueve la visa de trabajo cada 4 meses, tienes que esperar unos dos meses y como yo no me quize ir a Perú por ese tiempo lo mejor que pudieron hacer por mí fue conseguirme una pega asquerosa.
Bueno, prosigo, resulta que estaba yo tirada en un jardín, plantando floresitas y stonaza al extremo cuando de pronto me empieza a vibrar el cel en el poto, y al contestar, taraaaaaaaa! era del resort.
"Ya mamacita te aprobaron la extensión de la visa, asi que te vienes a trabajar pal' resort, a la recepción postulaste no?, ya pues un año te dieron, asi que empiezas el lunes".
Ay! la Kinky emocionada se sacó los guantes (que esos sí eran bonitos, esos de jardinería que siempre vienen en color pastel) y me dirijo con mi sonrisa de ceja a codo a mi jefa, y le dije pes' que me iba, era jueves. "Tengo que irme ahorita al resort a completar unos datos, ya no me puedo quedar a terminar el día" y me puse a llamar a todos los amigos que tengo acá y les conté y me emocioné, y peleé con Landon, y luego me amisté y le conté. Y llamé a mi mamá, y me dijo: "ahhhh... ya pues" emocionadísima ella...
La verdad es que siento que tengo suerte, he sabido de gente que les han negado las extensiones y tienen tantas ganas de quedarse que se vuelven "ilegales" y viven re mal. Yo no, lo que me da miedo de vivir acá ilegalmente es que capaz un día cruzando la pista un carro me atropella y me muero, o tal vez alguno de esos chibolos que tienen pistolas se va a poner a disparar como loco y me mata, o quizas algún borracho me patea en el bus porque no le gusta mi cara no mas pes'... Y ME MUERO Y DE AHI?? nadie sabe quien chucha soy, a la policia le va a llegar al pincho que este muerta y nadie se va enterar que me he muerto. Ay no! que horror! mejor tener tu pasaporte al día no mas, y pagar tus impuestos, que es una mierda, pero ya pes'.
La verdad es que siento que tengo suerte, he sabido de gente que les han negado las extensiones y tienen tantas ganas de quedarse que se vuelven "ilegales" y viven re mal. Yo no, lo que me da miedo de vivir acá ilegalmente es que capaz un día cruzando la pista un carro me atropella y me muero, o tal vez alguno de esos chibolos que tienen pistolas se va a poner a disparar como loco y me mata, o quizas algún borracho me patea en el bus porque no le gusta mi cara no mas pes'... Y ME MUERO Y DE AHI?? nadie sabe quien chucha soy, a la policia le va a llegar al pincho que este muerta y nadie se va enterar que me he muerto. Ay no! que horror! mejor tener tu pasaporte al día no mas, y pagar tus impuestos, que es una mierda, pero ya pes'.
Así que los Steits tiene Kinky para rato, y como diría el Nono: "PA EEEEEEEEEEEENTCH..."
Planes futuros:
-Seguir bajando de peso :D
-Mudarme a California (por un año)
-Conseguir novio (relacion estable y madura)
-Empezar mi terapia de psicoanálisis
-Con el tiempo irme a vivir a Nueva York (pero eso ya es a largo plazo)
Anoche me he emborrachado sola frente a mi notebook escuchando Pink, he llamado a mis amigos en Chile, me he enterado de chismes, he llorado de emoción cuando Ana me contestó, me he reído demasiado hablando con mi hermana que está en Holanda. Ayer también estuve en el gym, pero no monté bicicleta. No he fumado pito en casi una semana y me siento re bien en mi trabajo, algo bruta por lo del trainning y tanta cosa que aprender, pero igual, retador, bonito.
Thursday, July 17, 2008 my bones!!!!!!!!!!!
How did this happened?
I have to make record of this, write, somethig!!
I really feel I was living a dream, that's what happens when somebody much younger and totally lost in life knocks on your door.
With this guy things started so easy... just a game, texting, calling, I don't know, pure bullshit!
Suddenyl it was impossible for me to go to sleep without knowing where he was, months after it was impossible for me to go to bed without him NEXT TO ME!!
He is not what I need!! but I have become "needy" somehow, I love him, but he's horrible to me.
Why when I talked about the things that happen between us people say "he's awfull to me"??
He is not awfull to me when we are together!.
At the beggining of course you try to make things work, you try to close your eyes and say: "well... he's immature, he'll come around and notice he has no maners" but when time passes by you realize that it wasn't the maners what was wrong. Maybe I'm too used to guys that always took care of me, guys like Forty who got mad when I didn't ask him to take me to the border with Peru when we were in Chile and I was moving away. Guys like Alf that walked long distances just to pick me up from parties because I was too drunk to know where the hell I was, guys like "J", yeah!! "J", that somehow he SOMETIMES showed me he cared a little, don't ask me how, because obviously I can't remember, maybe when he used to buy me presents when he was travelling around the world with his stupid job. I don't know.
When you love somebody Pi mentioned once it's like a drug, you said "just a bit more and that's it" but now I feel like "a little bit more" is not possible!!, I feel like a little bit more is saying: "yessss, keep treating me like shit that I'll be there all the time, take me for granted!!". I can't keep doing this, I'm gonna be thirty years old anytime soon, and the last time he said to me was: "don't waste time with me" :'(
I have to make record of this, write, somethig!!
I really feel I was living a dream, that's what happens when somebody much younger and totally lost in life knocks on your door.
With this guy things started so easy... just a game, texting, calling, I don't know, pure bullshit!
Suddenyl it was impossible for me to go to sleep without knowing where he was, months after it was impossible for me to go to bed without him NEXT TO ME!!
He is not what I need!! but I have become "needy" somehow, I love him, but he's horrible to me.
Why when I talked about the things that happen between us people say "he's awfull to me"??
He is not awfull to me when we are together!.
At the beggining of course you try to make things work, you try to close your eyes and say: "well... he's immature, he'll come around and notice he has no maners" but when time passes by you realize that it wasn't the maners what was wrong. Maybe I'm too used to guys that always took care of me, guys like Forty who got mad when I didn't ask him to take me to the border with Peru when we were in Chile and I was moving away. Guys like Alf that walked long distances just to pick me up from parties because I was too drunk to know where the hell I was, guys like "J", yeah!! "J", that somehow he SOMETIMES showed me he cared a little, don't ask me how, because obviously I can't remember, maybe when he used to buy me presents when he was travelling around the world with his stupid job. I don't know.
When you love somebody Pi mentioned once it's like a drug, you said "just a bit more and that's it" but now I feel like "a little bit more" is not possible!!, I feel like a little bit more is saying: "yessss, keep treating me like shit that I'll be there all the time, take me for granted!!". I can't keep doing this, I'm gonna be thirty years old anytime soon, and the last time he said to me was: "don't waste time with me" :'(
Somemhow all I can think now is that thing that Pi just wrote about this girl; and how she kissed his hand and how he wanted to give her an answer when she asked "which actor would you be?", and of course he said he'd like to be Mister Pink from RESERVOIR DOGS... here is just an example so you can understand how stupid I feel. I remember the first time this kid called me and told me he'd come pick me up so we can "hang out", and then we smoked some weed and watched "RESERVOIR DOGS".
I'm broken, I'm drunk, I'm jaded...
I'm listenig too much of RADIOHEAD.
I'm missing his smell, I sleep holding the pants he left here, I feel them, I need him...
I'm broken, I'm drunk, I'm jaded...
I'm listenig too much of RADIOHEAD.
I'm missing his smell, I sleep holding the pants he left here, I feel them, I need him...
I don't want to be crippled cracked
Shoulders, wrists, knees and back
Ground to dust and ash
Crawling on all fours
When you've got to feel it in your bones
Now I can't climb the stairs
Pieces missing everywhere
Prozak painkillers
When you've got to feel it in your bones
And I used to fly like peter pan
All the children flew when I touched their hands
When you've got to feel it in your bones
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