When I’m backpacking I love to do it alone, for me that’s better to meeet people and, of course, if I want to be by myself for a moment just staring at the landascape or enjoying my music I can do it without worrying about anything.
This time I went to Ecuador, lovely country, good parties, kind people, I really liked it. After that I realized I got some money left so I decided to to go to the north of Perú, I remember I’d been there before but I wanted to take a look at the beaches that I heard so many times how beautiful they are.
Before I even know it I arrived to Mancora after a very long hitchhicking trip because of a buses strike in Ecuador. Me and four other guys were coming from Montañita, where we all had a very good time, what an amazing place, definetly a blowing-mind experience.
After this I got to Mancora, and NOTHING happened. I remember I used to wander around searching for party, people to hang out with or just something to do after the sun came down but it was nothing compare to Ecuador until the day came... It was while I was laying on the sand, still hangoverd and drinking some beers to straight my mind up, that I saw him coming out of the water. Tall, blond curly hair, deep blue eyes, wide hairy chest, sexy tan and the cutest smile ever!
In that moment I thought: “NO WAY!! No Kinky you’re here to stay away from men, you hate them, no more guys, you’ve already broken the rule a couple of times during this trip, that’s enough, look the other way NOW!” so I did. Suddenly some local guys next to me were bugging me to hang out with them and to have a beer with them, although I said no in several oportunities they kept pushing it and when I looked back at them again “my guy” was sitting with them, I couldn’t believe it.
After a couple of minuts I found myself kind of tipsy, chatting with a group of people and having a beer along a lovely conversation with “my guy”. It was almost 5 in the afternoon and I really don’t remember what happened afterwards, but I definetly won’t forget what happened that night.
I think of myself as a cold person, or simply not very affectionate, at least not until I get to know the dude for some time; and, as I enjoyed my loneliness a lot there are times when I’m with someone too many hours in a row that I need to get away and decompress but, with this one, believe me, we found the way not to bore ourselves during three nights, and I’m not lying if I tell you that we didn’t excatly talk a lot.
I guess that what I thought was very attractive in him, who I found out later was Dutch, is that he was definetly affectionate, ususally this kind of men freak me out! but he did it in a way that I can’t explain, it just made me feel comfortable. The thing is that I’ve been with other guys who wouldn’t even hold my hand until we’ve made the dating official but Dutch guy held my hand while walking, put his arm around my shoulder and kissed my forehead so many times (in public) that made me feel in heaven.
I guess it was our first night that was really wild. So funny we didn’t have a place to be in private that we ended up kissing and cuddling on the sand, in the dark, listening to the waves and to ourselves moaning, talking dirty but tender at the same time...
Is incredible how alcohol and joints, for as much as you have of them, can’t avoid you from getting the outerbody experience that is to get frisky on the beach, just two hot bodies touching, caressing and wanting more from each other.
My Dutch smily guy, never frowned at me, never upset about anything, he was just happy, enjoying his holydays, running after electronic music to dance. Even though we both got robbed and, I was already mad about a similar episode I had in Tumbes, he made me forget about everything. His big hands touching my nude back, his hairy arms holding me tight, the sound of his voice in my ear whispering some phrases in Dutch was enough to make of Mancora that little boring ugly paradise which will be on my mind for a it longer than other places I’ve visited before.
I must say I haven’t got any complaints about my Dutch guy, I actually found in him exactly what I needed after “J” and, even though some of my male have told me not to talk about my sex life in this blog I just couldn’t keep this for myself.
In every trip I’ve done before I guess I’d been looking for something I found in Mancora, and however I doubt that it would have been the same if it had lasted longer, now I’ll never really know. We agreed to meet in Lima some days after but we didn’t, let’s call it “technical problems”, so right now just the memory is what’s left but for at least those 3 days I was happy. Dunkuvel my Dutch sweetheart, dunkuvel!!!
you're so fucking lucky.. i hope i come cack to peru soon...mmmmm i still can remember out wild parties while we were in Argentina... remember you got that guy from Belgium.... guess he0s waiting for you... lol
Bienvenida de regreso a la blogósfera. Qué historia más encendida la que relatas!!!
Saludos! (y nos leemos)
No mi estimada MetteS... (my dear dANISH FREIND!!) no creo que haya recuperado la fe en el amor, creo que recupere la fe en mí misma, es mas ya mi vida se esta organizando... un regimen alimenticio saludable, gym por las noches, paseos en bicicleta y mucha ganja me estan, definitivamente poniendo en onda AGAIN!!!
MMMM...Alvarito!! que tal... ya no te voy a decir Andresito jajajaja... gracias por leerme... KISS KISS!
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