Monday, December 08, 2008
Friday, December 05, 2008
... and I said NO
Thursday, December 04, 2008

Yo dí gracias a Sunny que fue la que me invitó al Thanksgiving Dinner que tuvo en su casa donde sendos potajes inundaron nuestras enormes y abominables panzas. Parece que como eramos todos huerfanitos en el hotel (casi nadie vive con sus familiares sino con los rumeits locos que uno consigue por esos caprichos del destino); decidimos que, como ya era mucha la falta de afecto que nos embargaba, ibamos a comer y a tomar como si fuera la ultima noche de nuestras vidas.
Nota Mental: como se echa de menos esa copita de anisado para matar el chancho, como se dice en mi tierra.
Todo empezó como a las 6 de la tarde cuando Trent me vino a recojer para ir a comprar toda la cerveza que pudiera caber en su maletera. Luego Karlijn dijo que mejor nos juntemos en su casa porque era mas grande, asi que Sunny y su novio Nate cargaron al pobre pavo y a sus ensaladas y rellenos y demás platillos apetecibles y empezaron la procesión hacia nuestro nuevo destino.
No sé si fue toda la yerba que fumamos, o las 2 botellas de vino que me tomé yo sola, pero cuando llegó el momento de sentarnos a la mesa y dar GRACIAS, nadie pudo pensar en algo realmente grande y bonito que nos haya pasado y así dar gracias con ganas. Nate nos llamo SPOILED FUCKERS! y creo que tenia razón, mi abuelita siempre me decía que yo era una malagradecida cada vez que se enojaba conmigo, sea cual fuese el motivo de su enojo.
Bueno como las extranjeras del grupo que no teníamos idea sobre la historia de esta fecha tan especial para los gringos, Karlijn y yo le pedimos a Sunny que nos cuente la historia de THANKSGIVING lo que terminó en historias llenas de nostalgia de su niñez y de como su abuelo le enseñó a jugar damas chinas.
Luego Trent se puso tambien nostálgico y entonces Nate dijo que todos deberíamos dar gracias por el simple hecho de estar todos volados y riéndonos mientras veíamos BRAVE HEART, pero lo mas importante era dar gracias porque no estabamos solos, y creo que tuvo razón porque en ese momento, mirando a mi alrededor no me estaba sintiendo sola ni tenía pena por nada.
Más tarde aquella noche Jim y Ben salieron del trabajo, era casi media noche y tenían mucha hambre así que Sunny recalentó el pavó y yo decidí sacrificarme con una segunda vuelta para que los muchachos no se sientan solos sentados en la mesa. Cuando llegó Rachel dijo que ya era muy tarde y que no quería pavo pero Karlijn le ofreció uno de los tantos pies y tartas y otros dulces que había preparado así que me uní a ella y seguí comiendo.
No recuerdo como llegué a casa aquella fría y nevada noche del 27 de noviembre, pero lo que sí recuerdo fue que tenía una sensación muy bonita, algo así entre acidez, borrachera y felicidad. Yo no lo dije en voz alta pero cuando me di cuenta que ahí, sentada en aquel sofá, estaba rodeada de muy buenos amigos, di GRACIAS por haber conocido a esa sarta de gringos pastrulos que se han propuesto enseñarme a hacer SNOWBOARDING este invierno.

Monday, December 01, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Trying to find THE BALANCE!!! :-O
See, I'm not insane, in fact I'm kind of rational...
When I be askin', "Yo, where did all the passion go?"
Friday, November 14, 2008
... 5 points make a fist
Life is good, I've been very busy though in the resort the flow of guests is pretty slow. I don't go out that much anymore, I shut off my phone so I kind of lost my social life, but I'm getting used to be my myself, no more parties in my house, I had my crazy days I had my fun now is time to catch up with my reading and my writting.
My schedule is fine, I get to walk at night a couple of miles until the transportation center, once there I sit and wait for my bus everynight at around 11:30 p.m. I look at the people, I imagine their lives, I smell the mexican construction workers, I smile at young american guys wearing their hoodies and their pants around their butts.
My "therapist" is helping me, I make my "homeworks", I read what he tells me to read, I try to understand I need a change. Music helps me, I've always loved music, I'm very eclectic when it comes to it. Like right now I'm having a mix of PORTISHEAD and ATMOSPHERE, or was so into ELTON JOHN and then I suddenly felt like SLIPKNOT.
I write home more often, I call mum whenever I have the chance, I try to make it at least once a week but sometimes I get too homesick, it's been almost a year since the last time I hug my mother, almost a year since I got to lay on her bed and feel so safe! Strange feeling I always miss those things, from mi ex, from my sisters, is weird to feel helpless.
It'll be THANKSGIVING DAY really soon, I've never celebrated that holyday before so it will be fun, is a time to be greatful they say, I'm gonna have to say what I am greatful for, that will be a lot of thinking, I guess the most important thing to say thank you for will be my friends. I'm far from home which I hate when holydays come and my ex boyfriend thinks I'm some kind of pervert psycopath who had planned to ruin his life somehow.
When you try to realize what is wrong about you is not necessary to see yourself in the mirror, all you need is to notice that when you hurt somebody is time to say "stop and start over". Karma freaks me out due to this kind of things, but he'll get over it, right? In the meantime rage has replace love, which seems a good title for a hip-hop song.
... and everyone in his life would mistake it as love
Monday, November 03, 2008
I am me to be myself,
you are you to be yourself,
I am here to do what I want,
You are here to do what you want,
I am not here to please you,
you are not here to please me,
world wanted us to bump into each other,
fate is wonderful when you go with it,
fate is horrible when I decided to be myself,
fate is what it is if we are not together...
God damn you feelings that smother me,
I live and I love... both won't let me think,
I look up to the sky and my life has no sense,
living is hell just as when I was with you,
but now I am cold 'cuz you have left.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Is my party and I cry if I want to!!!!!
Later on at night I was a little upset because my friend Rachel said she'll be done with work by 6 p.m. but it was late already and she wasn't there, I was kind of sad but when she arrived she had a big surprise for me. MY HELLO KITTY CAKE! it was so wonderfull, so we sang Happy Birthday, they all made fun of me for singing in spanish.
Nos hemos divertido mucho, nos hemos tomado fotos y nos hemos alistado mas o menos cerca de la medianoche para poder empezar la celebracion de mi cumpleaños, pese a que muchos ya habiamos tirado la toalla y estabamos en estado comatoso.
Realmente no recuerdo mucho lo que sucedio anoche pero sé que la hemos pasado muy bien, y como yo tenia puesta esa corona de princesa todos me decian Happy Birthday en la calle, recuerdo que fuimos a un bar donde se estaban celebrando algo asi como 5 cumpleaños. Parece que esta semana es la semana de parir. Un amigo del trabajo tuvo a su bebe el miercoles pasado, un LIBRA mas para el mundo.
En los videos que vi a la mañana siguiente, cuando abri los ojos y estaba tirada en mi cama con mis zapatos puestos y mi corona colgandome a un lado de la cara, he podido apreciar las cosas mas inusuales, como por ejemplo SHOOO!! besandome con Clint que tiene 21, caminando al rededor del bar con mis pantalones chorreados de trago, acercándome a gente extraña y decirles: TONIGHT I'M WEARING THE TIARA OK?.
He sabido tambien por ahí, que proclame tener 18 años, que me peleé con un gringa sonsa por empujarme, que pretendí prender un troncho dentro de una disco, y bueno... mi celular estaba lleno de llamadas perdidas y llamadas realizadas de las cuales no me siento orgullosa.
You never can tell how lucky you are until your birthday comes and; even though you are depressed for the fact that you are 28 now, that you are not a bit closer to make a commitment with pretty much anything; but somehow on the day you were born your house is full of people dressing like idiots just because you wanted to, giving you presents just because you asked for it, and making you feel special in spite of your crazyness and your passive-agressive fucked up personality on a snowy night like the night when I first got here and I was alone.
Saturday, October 04, 2008
... the whole wide world just to find him...
When you have nobody to call, when you have nobody to miss your life seems to have no sense, even when work fulfills you, even when you have good friends; but still is like something is missing. I don't know if I came to America to find the guy of my dreams, I found Landon, who turned out to be my worst nigthmare, but he was fun. Not the guy of my dreams though.
I do have dreams about him, I dream that we see each other again, I dream that we bump into each other in the middle of a crowded street in Denver and we have a decent normal conversation. Some other dreams have to do with being together again. I dream that I tell him we need to go away, far from here, so we rent a U-HAUL little truck and put all our stuff inside and start driving to New York or some exciting city like that.
I have to take the bus everymorning at 5 a.m. and so many things go through my mind in the almost 6 blocks have to walk in the dark with my music in my ears and cold as hell, now that fall is taking over the short summer, I feel I won't be able to make it here alone one more winter.
Maybe if I keep travelling I'll be able to not to get so crazy when I'm about to fall hard for somebody, I know next year will bring a bunch of new stuff for me, Europe is waiting for me, I don't know what I will do, but lets just say that I'm eager to go the whole wide world just to find him.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I don't wanna live like that...
just listen to my voice, I ain't got something nice to say to you now,
you wanna hug me, you wanna love me and you want to touch me,
but just when you feel like to, and no when I WANT TO!!
It's so difficult for me to stay out of trouble lately... Not that I look for it but for some reason I keep making myself so so happy and then so so sad. Maybe I need to go from one extreme to the other to live my life. Anyhow I guess this time I'm about to fall again and I have realized I need to keep myself away from cute bouncers all covered in tatoos and funy accent, even more when I know for a fact he is a "whore" and he has a girlfriend, and he calls me only when he wants to, and yes, believe it or not, it breaks my heart because I think we could be perfect together!
For the last week my rutine has become work, gym, reading, walking and BOUNCER. And I now is wrong and I know I need to stop it, but is hard. Is hard to say no when is 10 in the morning and I'm riding the bus to work listening to the Foo Fighters playing out loud on my ears "... a little bit of resooooooooooooolve is what I need now, pin me down, show me hoooooooooooow...". I wish I knew how to say NO, but in days like today, when you go to work and they send you home, so finally you are forced to walk all the way back because the bus won't come for another hour, and then BOUNCER offers a ride, I can't say no!
Is terrible to realized how obssesed you can become when you know somebody else is gonna marry the one who is suppoused to be YOUR husband...
Sunday, August 31, 2008
SOUTH PARK cartoons

...and I wonder...
Sunday, August 24, 2008
I'm not annoying, I'm just cooler than you...
I'm not a bitch, I just don't like you...
I'm not obssesed, I'm just MY best friend!!
...ya ni sé donde diantres encontré esto, pero estaba escrito en una pared, cool huh??
...I'm a troublemaker... never been a faker...
Cute as hell, he was staring at me one night I went out with "the girls", just that morning I had found out that my loving and, always little bit of a jerk boyfriend, was actually sleeping with other girls so I met M, there he was... eating a chesse burger, and after the eye contact, everything went just amazing. He is so sensitive, thoughtful, kind and with great manners, a gentleman. Why are all the good ones taken?
I can't even remember the first thing I said to him, but he does... "are you hungry?" he said I asked, what a floozy! Then he stayed with me the whole night and after a frisky situation in some restroom we came back to our friends and just talked and got to know each other, the next thing I knew he had just broken up with a girlfriend after a year of a relationship and, go figure! he is brokenhearted.
Considering myself a pretty lucky girl, for the guys who have fallen for me, I guess M was just too eager to have something going on, right away. Sometimes is very hard to get used to the fact that you are alone again, naturally. And as I always say, being alone is the best for so many things that, when you're with somebody you just try to make it work so bad, until finaly you get exhausted... so when you're by youself again you don't have the energy to feel better and be happy again (just at the begining).
I really hope M get his issues solved soon, I really like him, I felt really bad for not letting him into my life now, but maybe is like Sally said: "we're suppoused to be transitional people not THE ONE".
When you really feel like getting involved with somebody you need to be clean they say, no horrified memories from your ex, no crazy dreams where you are in the room while he's fucking other girls, no horny texting in the middle of a drunken night; what you need is having all your luggage really well packed and storage in that dark closet in the basement. I'm not there yet though... I just threw away his pictures yesterday (we've been apart for like a month now) and with the big frame that has a bunch of his dog's pictures, it was such a great work of art of mine that I feel sad about just tossing it out. I might need to do it soon too.
It was never my intention to get M all confused and sad, and actually when he came home to see me tonight, having all set up and perfect with some sushi and White Zinfandel, suddenly I started to talk about his ex and decided it was much better if he just left. I don't want any troubles I said.
"Well, if I can't get you off my mind ever since I met you, then you're a troublemaker girl" he said. :D
I'm a troublemaker
Never been a faker
Doin' things my own way
And never givin' up.
I'm a troublemaker
Not a doubletaker
I don't have the patience
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Mi rutina, sus textos y los Clash
K: Can you imagine any other place you'd like to be right now?
A veces las peores diferencias que se pueden tener no sólo son el idioma o la cultura, lo peor que te puede pasar con alguien que amas es que trates de ser linda y le mandes comentarios que, si en su diminuto cerebro el pudiera entender, todo seria fantastico.
Monday, August 18, 2008
all for nothing... all for nothing...
I’m enraged because I gave away what I never thought I’d be able to get.
I feel pity because I know he still misses me,
I can tell by his voice resounding in my head.
What did I hope to gain confusing everything since the beginning…?,
fooling who loved me, or at least who was eager to try.
Now there are just poisoned traces, ashes that smother my life, my brain.
Why was I so afraid? Why not wanting him anymore?.
I can see him smiling at me, I can see him hating me.
Being caressed by him, my loss he says…
blaming him for no reason, my loss!.
Trying to find my basis to get away…
in an attempt to find my lost foundation
I kicked him aside trying to run far from here.
Just in case he feels like coming back
I left a gray cloud over our feelings,
hoping it keeps him away.
I left my heart next to the moon
knowing it will heal standing by the coldness.
We didn’t need to keep loving each other anymore.
We didn’t need to keep trying bringing to life a death body.
I believed in him, and I’d believe again…
because I know him, I know what he didn’t do,
I knew there was no reason to doubt,
I know what I did, and I know I had to.
I caused myself pain (I liked it),
our tears smashed the ground
like everything we had given up in the past
just to be together.
Now what’s left is just a body with somebody else’s smell.
Why was I so afraid?...
now I’m just a body wandering upon somebody else’s hands,
swimming in skin I need to make mine.
Friday, August 01, 2008
whErEs My PiLL!!!!!!!!
I think I'll get outta here...where I can run just as fast as I can...to the middle of nowhere...to the middle of my frustrated fears..and I swear, you're just like a pill...instead of makin' me better,you keep makin' me illyou keep makin' me illyou keep makin' me illyou keep makin' me illI haven't moved from the spot where you left meThis must be a bad tripAll of the other pills, they were differentMaybe I should get some help!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008

... you??
Lo BUENO... weno, weno!! :D
La verdad es que siento que tengo suerte, he sabido de gente que les han negado las extensiones y tienen tantas ganas de quedarse que se vuelven "ilegales" y viven re mal. Yo no, lo que me da miedo de vivir acá ilegalmente es que capaz un día cruzando la pista un carro me atropella y me muero, o tal vez alguno de esos chibolos que tienen pistolas se va a poner a disparar como loco y me mata, o quizas algún borracho me patea en el bus porque no le gusta mi cara no mas pes'... Y ME MUERO Y DE AHI?? nadie sabe quien chucha soy, a la policia le va a llegar al pincho que este muerta y nadie se va enterar que me he muerto. Ay no! que horror! mejor tener tu pasaporte al día no mas, y pagar tus impuestos, que es una mierda, pero ya pes'.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
...in my bones!!!!!!!!!!!
I have to make record of this, write, somethig!!
I really feel I was living a dream, that's what happens when somebody much younger and totally lost in life knocks on your door.
With this guy things started so easy... just a game, texting, calling, I don't know, pure bullshit!
Suddenyl it was impossible for me to go to sleep without knowing where he was, months after it was impossible for me to go to bed without him NEXT TO ME!!
He is not what I need!! but I have become "needy" somehow, I love him, but he's horrible to me.
Why when I talked about the things that happen between us people say "he's awfull to me"??
He is not awfull to me when we are together!.
At the beggining of course you try to make things work, you try to close your eyes and say: "well... he's immature, he'll come around and notice he has no maners" but when time passes by you realize that it wasn't the maners what was wrong. Maybe I'm too used to guys that always took care of me, guys like Forty who got mad when I didn't ask him to take me to the border with Peru when we were in Chile and I was moving away. Guys like Alf that walked long distances just to pick me up from parties because I was too drunk to know where the hell I was, guys like "J", yeah!! "J", that somehow he SOMETIMES showed me he cared a little, don't ask me how, because obviously I can't remember, maybe when he used to buy me presents when he was travelling around the world with his stupid job. I don't know.
When you love somebody Pi mentioned once it's like a drug, you said "just a bit more and that's it" but now I feel like "a little bit more" is not possible!!, I feel like a little bit more is saying: "yessss, keep treating me like shit that I'll be there all the time, take me for granted!!". I can't keep doing this, I'm gonna be thirty years old anytime soon, and the last time he said to me was: "don't waste time with me" :'(
I'm broken, I'm drunk, I'm jaded...
I'm listenig too much of RADIOHEAD.
I'm missing his smell, I sleep holding the pants he left here, I feel them, I need him...
I don't want to be crippled cracked
Shoulders, wrists, knees and back
Ground to dust and ash
Crawling on all fours
When you've got to feel it in your bones
Now I can't climb the stairs
Pieces missing everywhere
Prozak painkillers
When you've got to feel it in your bones
And I used to fly like peter pan
All the children flew when I touched their hands
When you've got to feel it in your bones
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
...oh my God you're weird...!
... why did you leave me Landon??
If someone said three years from now
You'd be long gone
I'd stand up and punch them out
Cause they're all wrong and
That last kiss
I'll cherish
Until we meet again
And time makes
It harder I wish I could remember
But I keep
Your memory
You visit me in my sleep
My darling
Who knew
My darling
My darling
Who knew
My darling
I miss you
My darling
Who knew
Sunday, June 15, 2008
La Revolución de la Cuchara
Trataré de llevarme mejor con los animales y ya no comérmelos tanto, porque luego de ver este video antes de dormir anoche he tenido unos sueños que, sinceramente, no se los deseo a nadie.
No creen que en verdad somos unos malditos!!!!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
The Cure, Landon y la carretera
Realmente fue un buen espectaculo, ahi estaba Robert Smith todo lindo y gordito el. El concierto fue en un sitio que se llama Red Rocks, y esta rodeado de rocas rojas es como estar en el Gran Cañon. Eavynn no quería llega muy temprano porque dice que hacía mucho viento, si yo hubiera tenido auto me hubiera ido a dormir al pie de aquellas montañas con tal de no perderme ni un poquito de la prueba de sonido que fue a medio dia y me contaron que era una juerga brutal.
En este sitio te dejan fumar marihuana y emborracharte mientras vez al cantante de tu preferencia. Y en el estacionamiento, antes de escalar las miles de escaleras hacia la entrada, hay miles de carros con sus puertas traseras abiertas algunos prendieron sus parrillas y comían choripanes mientras tomaban una cerveza y tenian de fondo musica del grupo.
Pero bueno Landon me llamó por teléfono y aproveché para que me diera los datos necesarios, él como antiguo y oriundo ciudadano de acá de Colorado. Claro que en medio de la conversa me preguntó si todo estaba bien, "karen tu eres felíz conmigo?". Yo creo que no soy la persona mas expresiva del planeta en cuanto a situaciones amorosas se refiere, pero él tampoco lo es, y nos hemos acostumbrado, creo yo, a no mostrarnos afecto alguno.
Luego estuve pensando en la pregunta que me hizo este espécimen americano mientas Robert Smith cantaba "yes, is not my fault, I couldn't ever love you more" en el CD que le quemé a Eavynn para que tenga alguna idea de que The Cure no solo canta "Love Song" o "Boys don't cry". Creo que concluí en que es posible que sí quiera algo más; aún cuando Landon me dice que me ama y que me ama mucho.
Al comienzo hemos entrado a ver los asientos para ubicarnos bien y fue una indignación descubrir que teníamos que quedarnos muy muy lejos del escenario, pero Kinky esperó tres canciones solamente y de ahi... bueno pues pesqué del ala a mi amiga la gringa y le dije: "HERE?? no way" y nos pusimos a caminar entre la gente hasta estar casi lamiendole el sudor a los artistas.
Y bueno... este es el video ganador porque creo que jamás en mi vida habia pensado ver a Robertito bailando para mí, y siendo lindo, mientras cantaba CLOSE TO ME!!!!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
el mail...
Pero cuando me llegan este tipo de mails tengo que reconocer que se calman las lavas de mi ser, dentro muy dentro, y me vuelvo totalmente estupida y vulnerable.
RE: ...
De: Landon
Enviado: martes, 08 de abril de 2008 02:57:31 p.m.
Para: Karen
Karen, Just read this! I really did not mean to hurt your feelings in any way at the bar the other night. I had no intentions of flirting with any other girls. Sure I was dancing but so were you. I didn't even know you had left until after I texted you. Anyways, I just think it would be a bad decision for you to leave because of me. I was just starting to really like you and I think we could have a lot of good times together in the future. When you left the other night I was angry because I felt like you just wanted me to chase after you and I also felt like I didn't do anything wrong. I never talked to anybody or flirted with anybody. I am sorry for the shitty things I said to you but you also said some pretty shitty things to me. If you want to leave for other reasons I understand and there isn't anything I can do about that. But don't leave because of me. I miss you and there is something I wanted to give you. If you give us another chance I know things will be great! Let me know what you decide to do. Feel free to call me whenever you want to. I'm not better off without you Karen!
Monday, April 14, 2008
I'm never gonna be happy.... definately this thing called LOVE is gonna make me cry, again and again...
Thursday, March 27, 2008
as one...
The next day is dark, red like fire, bullshit feelings wandering around my existence, his poisoned hands take me away from the light into the obscure tears of my wounded mouth. His magic turns unknown but nothing is new at the same time. From the lightening to the darkness, his eyes kill me; from the darkness to the lightening, his unreal love is twisted.
I’m breathing, I’m drunk, I’m dying, I’m still living…why am I still alive?
I can see what he can´t, whether I want it or not he is a part of me already; he may even be stuck to my flesh, that’s what he can’t see. The things he says, the things he does, all is wrong, I’m in hell. The lovers I’ve had, the waste of time, the drama, sad endings.
I feel like getting away, I feel like knowing what is happening in places where I haven’t been before, I feel like not knowing and to take at once. What I ask from him and what he can’t give, those things that stay being just a try.
Everything is about to blow up in my face all the time. I can´t look into his eyes no more, I feel like lying, I’m burning inside, our passion is chasing us but fading away into the infinity. Am I going too fast?, am I going anywhere?, my life is nonsense.
This is all good, this is all bad. I’m falling, I’ve lost faith, I’m hurt, I need something new, people to talk to, someone to listen to, I need to open that door, I need to find him. No more pain, I don’t need more pain just a soul far away to be as one, together as one.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Sometimes people do that, we pretend, and we make the rest of the world to believe that we are hurt, that we don’t want any of that. For guys to have a relationship means to be attached to a person who is gonna tell them not to do things and boss you around, while for me (that I am a girl, but we all know I’m not THAT kind of girl) to have a boyfriend has become a challenge by now.
Pleasure and good company have came to my life these days, the sun rises every morning and he is next to me; the guy, the new one, a younger one. That one who is looking for nothing; the one who doesn’t know much about anything; the one that makes me stroll around those aisles in my mind that were all neglected and dusted.
Sometimes I say to myself that I’m going nowhere, but seeing him playing with his dog or just to feel him caressing my head while I have my eyes closed laying naked in bed, it just feels right. It’s been a while since I’m not around here, since I don’t feel, since I don’t think I can make up my mind to run after his smell, to awake my feelings one more time.
Walking by the paths full covered with snow, listening to Dylan singing out loud in my headphones, looking for the sun to die today. Just not knowing anything has become okey, all I wonder know is if I’m gonna be able to hate again...like yesterday.
Hate me a little bit and then come back to myself and deal with all the bullshit that is hanging in my thoughts, if I have found a treasure then I may open it just to close it again quickly because I know I’m running out of time already, and so is he.
Let’s talk about the things I’ve seen when drifting away alone before in my life, all my stories. I wanna be listened though I don’t know how to talk; somehow it doesn’t sound like a good idea anymore. Run off the door again, book a flight to nowhere. If he’s decided to open that treasure, now I’m not sure if I want it. I’m running out of time. (...hush now, don’t tell me what you’ve seen, just let me drift away again...).
Friday, February 15, 2008
my valentine... tuve mi valentine!!
Ayer ha sido el día de San Valentin, el cual nunca se me ha dado por celebrar. Acá en los esteits es algo difícil no celebrar este día porque es recontra popular, todas las calles son rojas, los cables de luz tienen colgadas cajitas de carton en forma de corazón y en los supermercados todo es rojito y rosadito y venden bombones y globos y hay miles de millones de tarjetas de todos los tamaños y con los mensajes mas locos que se puedan imaginar.
Yo, el miercoles tuve que ir al Walmart para hacer shopping y me traje un caja con unos quequitos que tenian una crema roja encima y la palabra amorsrsrsrs en un plastiquito, pensé que sería un lindo de detalle para ponerlo en la cama de las chicas con las que vivo. Es que me tuvieron toda la semana transmitiendo con eso de que no tienen un valentine, que estaban tristes, y otra de ellas se puso depre porque se dio cuenta que luego de más de un mes acá realmente hecha de menos a su novio que esta en Argentina esperando por ella.
Me ha dado mucha risa cuando me preguntó: so... d'you want me to be your valentine or what?, como ven el romanticismo le desagua por lo poros. Tiene 22 años y me contó que no llamó antes porque estaba metido en líos con la policía y justo cuando habíamos quedado en salir hace unos días tuvo que ir a Denver porque tenía un juicio en su contra, realmente alentador, un bad boy, justo lo que me hace falta XD
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
You are my best friend