Monday, September 26, 2005

The Cheating Factor

The Cheating Factor
Men vs Women

“Men cheat for the same reason a dog licks its balls, because they can, is part of their biology” a friend of mine said, so the best resolution she could find was that instead of condemning it she should learn to live with it and handle the situation very maturely considering the small fact that women cheat too.

Although I must admit that for me is a very different thing, whereas men cheat for pleasure and no deep feelings involved at all, women don’t!... I mean, I’ve never seen a woman running off attacking randomly any man she’s attracted to, under my point of view, the reason is very simple, we’re just not driven by testosteron but emotions, that stupid romantic little voice inside which tell us “mate for life”, however this works only under certain circunstances of course.

The problem may start when you, as a couple, don’t have an equal definition of cheating and you prefer either don’t tolerate it at all or just being more realistic about human nature and considerate the years of loving and understanding relationship that you’ve had above all.

But defining cheating in absolute terms is just complicated because we ought to admit that someone’s definition of what constitutes cheating is in direct proportion to how much they want to cheat. Besides, a male friend came out with the idea which kept me thinking until this moment. “Cheating is like noise, if you couldn’t hear it, it was never there at all” he said.

So, the bottom line of all these lead me to meditate that the act of cheating is defined by the act of getting caught, one doesn’t exist without the other, is this like so? Are we all destinated to do it at certain point? Anyway, the debate is open.

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