Girls in their thirties...
An easy target??
When girls are in their twenties the idea of a “Prince Charming” remains in their imagination as a perfect man, goodlooking, gentle and kind. In their thirties the level of exigency grows lower and, at the end, they only ask for an straight guy with a steady job as the anguish grows big.
There’s a theory created by a thirty year-old male Chilean journalist called Nick Beer, who says that when a man wants to have sex the easiest girls are those who had already passed 30 years old.
He says that a guy needs to follow the girl’s rules during the dating period by letting her believe that a bachelor’s life is bored because saving money all the time is not worth it when he doesn’t have a family to spend it on.
Beer assures that the bloke has to date this woman twice, where in the middle of relaxed conversations, he must realize that in the 30’s he believes that is possible to find a soulmate just around the corner.
This Chilean journalist insists in the fact of saying these things without haven’t even held the girl’s hands yet or even kissed her at all. The man has to look easygoing and “in control”, says Beer, and talk about how he imagines his world with children as the same time she melts away in front of him.
“You must let her come to you, let her touch you first, let her make the first move” he declares, because after this she won’t be able to make you responsible for anything at all.
Therefore, that night, after a nice dinner in an expensive restaurant and after the man has paid the bill, he ought to come up with the idea that those guys who split the check with girls are thrifty, as well as accepting that he considers himself a bit chauvinistic when it comes to opennig the car door or lighting up a cigarrette for a lady, even though, he believes in a woman’s independece and right to develop her innerself in the professional field.
After a date like this, Beer reckons a 93% chance of having intercourse for the next date, where girls will be eager to show them that sex at 30 is a blessing and after the last five long term relationships she has had, she can call herself uninhibited and up for being experimental.
Girls will think: “This guy’s been the best catch that I’ve had in the last six months”, while that guy will be thinking: “It’s incredible the things you can find when girls assume you’re being sincere”.
Finally, when all that’s been planned has worked out just fine, blokes usually realize that after a few months or even weeks they have to get out of “the escenario” as soon as possible.
“First men should say that they have rushed the situation just a bit and they’d have prefered to leave sex for later, but that she’s so attractive that no man could have ever resisted her” Beer says.
Tact is very important in this phase, he mentions, men should put clear that inside every thirty year-old man there’s a scared child afraid to show his feelings, so after he apologizes for thinking this time was going to be different he ought to let her know that she has shown him again the capacity for love.
At the end she’ll be hurt, of course, but with all the sweet words she’s received she’ll hardly notice the dissapointment. Moreover, she’ll understand when he says he doesn’t believe in man-woman friendship so it would be better for them not to talk for a while, thereby she’ll be ready when “Mr. Right” comes because certainly she deserves it.
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