Monday, September 26, 2005

Nice Guys vs Bad Boys

Nice Guys vs Bad Boys

There are two types when it comes to men, The Nice Guys and The Bad Boys and very often it’s The Bad Boy’s area where women want to hang out. I often hear women complaining about not having a decent man, only to go on a date with a Nice Guy and moan about him being too nice.
It seems that a bastard is the preferred man of choice because they have “I don’t know what” and it seems to make things exciting. They don’t make things exciting though; they make it really difficult and lower a woman’s self esteem. I’ve always said I have an ‘weakness’ which I beg women to get rid of and get vaccinated against it as soon as possible, and even though it’s difficult you must try.
A nice guy is first a human being, which means that he is not perfect and makes mistakes. They don’t have an adiction for cheating, or the other types of dishonesties that bad boys frequently have and instead wants to respect women emotionally and physically.
When they mess up they want to do better and they want to make a woman happy and are not afraid to be happy with ‘just’ one woman. Looks have nothing to do with it, but I often perceive that men who don’t find themselves attractive automatically put themselves into the category of Nice Guy, even when they shouldn’t by the way because an average looking guy can still be a Bad Boy.
There are men out there that have become disillusioned by the modern woman because it appears that nice guys are looked down by the women that prefer the bad boys. I understand why these men feel frustrated. Very often you see women going out with men from the Bad Boy’s type, they get burned and after that some poor unfortunate ‘Nice Guy’ gets hurt by the left overs of the other.
Let’s see how it works: woman meets Nice Guy, woman doesn’t trust Nice Guy because of bad experiences, Nice Guy has to work double time to prove himself and also play the good listener because the Bad Boy had an impact on her. I feel for them, I really do.
No woman should be going into a relationship saying ‘I know that I’m being weird but X was such a bastard that I just don’t know how to trust you’. This isn’t fair on Nice Guy and he’s being judged on the merits of someone who doesn’t have a good judgement in the first place.

Why isn’t the Nice Guy as attractive to women as the Bad Boy?

I think a lot of women think that Bad Boy means fun and excitement. Many women think that a guy with a naughty look is more attractive. I believe this comes from the fact that a Bad Boy mistreating a woman means lust, emotional dependency, and confused feelings of love.
Women associate drama with love and if there’s plenty of it, it must be it. When there aren’t sparks or butterflies in your tummy the poor Nice Guy doesn’t have a chance.
Nice Guys generally call when they’re supposed to. They don’t pretend they’re interested when they’re not and they tend to be a little bit more open about how they feel about you. Most don’t try and get into your panties on the first date and even if they do they won’t disrespect you for it because it was a two way thing.
Nice Guys don’t raise the voice to you, they don’t try to make you feel small when they should be making you feel like you’re on top of the world, and they have a tender kind of respect for you. They’ll still leave the toilet seat up, they won’t apologise until they got really desperate and they still tend to think they’re right, and they try to solve your problems instead of listening to you.
But there is something that the disillusioned Nice Guys need to take responsibility for and it’s the lack of success with the women that like Bad Boys, although I keep wondering what is the point of going after these women? Why aren’t these Nice Guys interested in women that don’t go after Bad Boys? There is nothing that says that a Nice Guy can’t go after a woman that wants a Nice Guy.
I do believe there are a lot of women out there who do love a Bad Boy, but I also know that there are a hell of a lot of women that don’t. In fact, I’m pretty sure that there are as many women out there wanting a Nice Guy as there are Bad Boys! I believe these guys don’t go after these women because they are not exciting, which means they are just as guilty as the women that have created their frustration!
When Nice Guys chase women that are not interested in them and then get hurt they are as guilty as the women that cry about men being bastards and then come back to chase the Bad Boy again. It’s all about choices and these people need to break the cycle.
The reason why these women that like Bad Boys keep going back to them is because it’s a habit, a cycle, the only routine they know. Their emotional levels respond to being treated like they are when they’re with these men and until they face it, they will keep falling into the same trap.
Why keep breaking your brain trying to prove yourself over and over again to someone that doesn’t see how great you are? I think this whole Nice Guy thing is subjective. Bad Boys are more clear cut and easier to recognize and there are men out there who are claiming to be Nice Guys when they have no interest doing so.
I’ve dated Nice Guys and I haven’t ended it because they’re nice, but because there wasn’t a click of minds. I’d like to be challenged mentally, emotionally and with my type of personality it’s difficult to be with someone who is shy because I can’t think and speak for anyone.
I hope to settle down with a Nice Guy one day and when I don’t exactly still hold my Jody’s regard in high level, I must admit that I’m fortunate that I haven’t really dated any Bad Boys before, maybe due to the fact that I have a radar for misogynistic and disrespectful men, but I’m not saying I don’t fall for them.
As much as I believe that there are Nice Guys out there, I must stress that all men are the same and the one that you end up with is the one that has those amazing qualities that you need to give a greater emphasis and the irritating ones to a lesser point!
The Nice Guys out there, if they are truly as lovely as they claim to be will get caught easily because there are lots of women out there crying out for a good man. So for that Nice Guy who I wrote this for, hang in there and enjoy yourself until you meet the woman that recognises all of your fabulous qualities.



Neco said...

Creo que ya te lo he dicho antes, pero igual...

Gracias por escribir esto. Me puso a pensar y de repente, me doy cuenta que no estoy tan mal como pensaba...

For that, thanks a million.

Besos! Ojalá nos veamos pronto!

Kinky Devil said...

Mi amigo el Ernesto!!!
que weno q sepas lo q vales, te kiero harto, kuidate y si pues!! que piña q estemos lejos, BYEEEEE!!!